Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Weekend Event

Going to volunteer in the AM for the Feed Homeless event at Chapman Center and then afterward going to clean up a beach.  Gotta do my best for the oceans and our friends therein.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today I lost my Gorda

After trying vigorously to save my Adriana "Gorda" Eclaire Demapan Fernandez, my dark blue oldest betta.  She was about 2.5 yrs at least, she passed.  She had a huge tumor that eventually weighed down on her and probably added to swimbladder issues. I added epsom salt and even gave her epsom salt baths to no avail.  She seemed to get better then just turned for the worst in the last three days.  I love you my baby Gorda and God bless you wherever you go. Always, your mother CDF

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gorda in hospital tank

My baby blue betta, Gorda, is still in the hospital tank, really hoping she will make a recovery.  It's hard to tell what's going on, but she's not her usual active self.  I've put a water heater and a plant and just praying for the best.  I hope she makes it.  She's gone through so much and is my oldest betta so far.  Unfortunately with aging, bettas get to have tumors grow out and that's what's happening to my older betta group.  Thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated during this hard time.

For the fish that swim and be,


Monday, November 8, 2010

My Saturday morning

I woke up about an hour later than I was supposed to and headed out to the Shoeboxes for Children event at the Hollywood Community Church.  I got lost due to faulty yahoo maps directions but finally managed to get there.  Because of the mental drain, I wasn't feeling much for packing boxes and tight spaces, so I dropped off several bags of candy and went on my way. 

I made it to North Miami Beach for my personal beach clean up goal and was successful filling up a large bag of garbage.  A woman with her daughter saw me cleaning garbage and gave me some trash to put in my bag. She commented as well how people tend to just dirty things around them with no care for the consequences.  She was absolutely right.  When we put garbage in the water, that same garbage turns into foul food for a sea creature or a death trap.  Poisonous toxins get taken in by fish and dolphins and whatever animals swim in the sea, including humans.  Personally, I don't want to have any part of pollution and so I will do the best I can, most especially to clean up our Ocean shores. I am just one person, however I think whatever I do can make a positive impact on my community overall.  I don't want to be that one person saying "I wish I did this" or "I wish I did that." I am active person who will do what I speak about and not just pipedream it.

For the oceans I love,

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Plan

So I'm visiting these websites:,, and, and I'm trying to think what can I do to contribute to the cause?  I don't have lots of dough, and I'm already doing a small monthly donation to saving the dolphins at the Cove.  Watching the clips on Surfers 4 Cetaceans where Dave Rastovich and his fellow surfers cleaned up rubbish on the beaches inspired me to do the same as well. 

Last month, I volunteered for the Annual Miami-Dade County Coastal Clean up and picked up about 50 lbs. of garbage by the North Miami Beach waterways.  That was just one day during the year.  If I pledge to clean a large garbage bag full of seashore/waterway rubbish every Saturday morning, I can accomplish way more than the once a year cleaning crusade.  Tomorrow morning, I will walk along the beach shores of North Miami Beach to fill my garbage bag in an effort to prevent our ocean friends of entanglement, drowning, and poisoning.  Our friends need our help now more than ever after the devasting Gulf Oil Spill, which still has not been cleaned up.  Let's see how this weekend unfolds.

Friend of our seas, CDF